Running an online casino is hard, you need a watchful eye on everyone inside your casino for there will always be people who would do anything to win games. If you let your guard down even for just a second you could loose thousands or even millions of dollars. Managing what goes on inside a real casino may be hard but running one online is a totally different story.
The idea of running an online casino may be absurd to some due to the fact that there are people who can easily hack into the site. If this happens to you, then you can say goodbye to all your money. This is the main reason why online casinos are only offered high risk merchant accounts, as opposed to standard merchant accounts, to collect their payments online.
High risk merchant accounts
Few copys:
Online casinos are considered by merchant account providers (MAP) as high risk due to the fact that they are more likely to experience online fraud than other types of sites. Over the Internet, it is easy for experienced hackers to con these casinos into giving them money they did not win.
The easiest way a player can get a lot of money out of online casinos is by creating multiple accounts. Creating multiple accounts is not hard. All they have to do is simply create various accounts under different fake identities. Once this happens, they are able to claim bonus offers numerous times.
Another way is that people cheat online casinos by using specific programs that can alter images. Through the use of certain programs, they can create fake winning slot machine screen shots and convince the online casino that they were never paid.
If someone is discovered to be practicing this, these online casinos will automatically block the account or accounts of the users and will be blacklisted or banned from entering the site again. Because of frequent occurrence of these incidences, all online casinos now share a common blacklist which blocks these people from entering their sites.
In the end, running online casinos can be very tiring and difficult to maintain but thanks to high risk merchant accounts, it is still possible.